Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The flowing stream of life that has been bombed Tolstoy unmatched in the history of the novel make

Each reader to read its own history. Date particularly proud of, and recorded in the memory of literacy events of that day when he was reading this book or the novel. There are several dates gathered before, during, and after reading. Special Period, including by reading includes the overall perceptions that we hold them for this book next to us. Readings from his or conversations between the pan and the recommendations of the readers who share in cosmic history to read. During the reading period is the period of the act as it may be golden and beautiful - if a book is worth that reputation: carry this period to discover new things and reading practice bistro tables and bases that serves bistro tables and bases as a renewed and did great. Rest period after the reading, a period of surprise and search for the expansion of the ocean so that the reader will dwell in it and what is its effect, and may extend to writing about that book. I believe that the reader that the intersection with the latest literary work inside or non-impact of the trend in reading or found something new, you must be talking about all that he believes is true without regard to any monetary considerations. Even if he can not express all that simmering in his mind and his heart. Should be talking about, even if briefly: for those moments in which he found a world worth that is described as a great and Khaled, and more moments that he found himself can not abandon the book, even for one minute. Or even for those moments that can not complete the reading of the severity of the impact bistro tables and bases and beauty! When I go back to the period before the last four months, I find this period of the greatest experiences of my life literacy. Surprised bistro tables and bases and full of adventure and new discovery. The reading of the book is not one, interspersed bistro tables and bases with days in the search for characters and events and watch documentaries and read books about the historical events of that period. At the end of every week I discuss with you my friend to read this book dear brother Uday Herbish, Venhaol bistro tables and bases analysis chapters of the book and look at the author and talk about those great life in our common reading lasted four months. This article bistro tables and bases began by talking about reading as a verb, and because the nature of the glorious history of reading has hidden from us as we are immersed in it with all our strength, and do not look for its unique nature-based discovery and new and strange and the world that unites a full range of races, religions and nationalities. I did not think the nature of reading as an act of glorious but because of the war and the peace of the Russian novelist Tolstoy. If there was a writer in the world deserves to be described as the most literary writer and literary and artistic greatness will not mention Shakespeare, and will not turn to Dostoevsky, who lived with him days literacy Do not forget, I will not mention Pushkin or Dickens or Gogol or others. While discretion me this question stands Tolstoy himself the master bistro tables and bases of the literary novelist: the only writer who can create between the spirit of his papers still waiting for all of the over on this page or that. In 2008 I read Tolstoy's immortal second Anna Caranina. How many of those were great reading every detail organisms. After reading Anna Caranina increased questions in my mind about the fact that the experiences of the protagonist with the author, so they searched for answers to those questions and found them in the book of Tolstoy: Confessions. He wanted to express himself in the novel, but the raging heat of the questions that forced him to admit everything. I loved the time Tolstoy rights. But do not exaggerate when I say that the book Confessions Tolstoy was one of the most influential books on those heat emitted from his mind, and his escape and his search for answers to those questions eternal. When I started reading War and Peace, even before I read the first page of the novel, I said to myself: I will find what makes the act of reading great here, in this particular bistro tables and bases book and no other books in my library. I have the certainty that what I kissed bistro tables and bases him and great text Khaled and influential, should give him enough time because the show this literary greatness. This trust the source of my confidence in full Tolstoy. I did not author any day any part of the confidence it must be read fully working and ruled it. But I would argue that I knew Tolstoy well, and I know his biography and his recent trip, and even possessed all his works from the novel and thought and criticism and biography, letters and diaries, I am sure the fact that what he wants Tolstoy to be expressed in war and peace, and that trust was misplaced and did not let me down at all. It did not let me in astonishment Oahdha in the history of my readings so far.
It's not a novel, but it is less than completely poem, however they are less from the date of displays according to the chronology of events, The War and Peace is what the author wishes to express it, and he can express it in the form that was it.
When he says that it is not a novel, it indicates that the property may be conveyed working novelist to another path, which is the high visibility bistro tables and bases of the author to express their personalities certain historical, or gives his historic as it is in many pages beyond the scope of the novel completely separates his mind in history. Description critic George Steiner war and peace that it belongs to the epic poetry, and a description of Ivan Torzinyev chapters farce philosophy of history, and a description of Henry James War and Peace monster saggy, and others describing it as a historical novel and a national review greatest event in Russian history. How to explain war and peace? What is it really against the trends of literary see the war and the peace of the greatest fictional texts? bistro tables and bases As a reader of War and Peace, Tolstoy's opinion will not be committed for this book. If a novel type of literature, and if we reviewed the general history of the overall business that touted novels, war and peace is not novel, but the novel is the same: is a measure in which we can authentic disclosure about the greatness of the novel and the power of influence. You will not find the novel - as a kind of literature, her refuge and Pods and more supportive of war and peace. If you were not a novel of war and peace, what is the story?
The flowing stream of life that has been bombed Tolstoy unmatched in the history of the novel make this work with all its not the measure, bistro tables and bases but the picture is uncertain and in vivo of the novel: the artist was able to open for the mighty stream of life and pain

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