Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ed. Die Speaker saam met haar DA funksionaris Godfrey Louw het alreeds die hele proses opgefok. typh

Ag, assebliéf tog, DA! | O!O
Streeklanddros Eugenia Jacobs het op 11 Junie 2012 in die George streekhof bevind dat die staat se getuies so swak en ongeloofwaardig was in die futiele typhoon bread bin omkoopklag teen die drie dat geen saak uitgemaak kon word nie.
Die bevinding van die voorsittende beampte moet deur die raad oorweeg word en n aanbeveling typhoon bread bin moet aan die provinsiale minister van plaaslike regering, Anton Bredell, gedoen word. Bredell kan die raad se aanbeveling aanvaar, of verwerp, of bywerk.
Maar weet nou verseker: Die komitee het geen sê in n verhoor nie. Die komitee typhoon bread bin is maar net daar. Waarskynlik moet dié komitee ondersoeke doen. Maar Eden het so baie geld dat n eksterne forensiese firma R400,000 betaal is om te doen wat die komitee waarskynlik moes gedoen het.
Van der Westhuizen is n óu hand. Hy en sy regspan gaan die proses , daardie moerse skuiling wat politici sommer so kul-jou-hier-en-kul-jou-daar-en-siedaar kan saamflans om onaantasbaar te raak, aan flarde skeur. En Wessie gaan wegwaggel, in sy Tdi klim, en teen 184kpu vryspring.
Die komitee om die ENS-verlag oor Wessie van der Westhuizen en Gert Niehaus te ondersoek bestaan inderdaad uit die raadslede wat O!O om 11h15, 2 uur en 45 minute vóór die aanvang van die vergadering wat hulle aangewys het, geïdentifiseer het.
Dít terwyl O!O ooggetuies het wat Meyer in die Eden-gebou gesien het… En selfs ‘n foto van Meyer op George!
Die munisipale bestuurder van Eden, en Bredell, moes lankal die nodige gedoen het – niks meer as wat die wet vereis nie.
Pletty I can asure you Eden does not have the uniform standing typhoon bread bin procedure as required by the relevant section. Godfrey Louw does not even know what the iniform standing procedure is all about! And I know for a fact that Theodoris Wakeford-Brown- Nayler the Speaker is in the dark about this. Here help hulle! typhoon bread bin
“Proceedings for the imposition of a fine or removal of a councillor must be conducted in accordance with a uniform standing procedure which each municipal council must adopt for the purposes of this item. The uniform standing procedure must comply with the rules of natural justice.”
Purpose of Short Learning Programme The purpose of this short learning programme typhoon bread bin is to establish a uniform and common procedure for investigations into the breach of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.
Assessment Practice 50% will be assessed through the application of classroom based activities and/ or case studies typhoon bread bin 50% will be through typhoon bread bin the application of practical knowledge through a workplace based assignment
MODULAR OUTLINE: 1. Investigation by the speaker Reasonable suspicion of breach of code The investigation 2. Investigation by municipal council or special committee The charges Commencement typhoon bread bin of the hearing o Principles o Preliminaries o Acknowledgement of charge sheet 3. The plea Plea of guilty Plea of not guilty typhoon bread bin o The process o Evaluation of finding Mitigation and aggravation Administrative arrangements
I can’t understand this. What is the committee for? What did council instruct them to do? It cannot be to investigate, after all the biggest law firm in Africa with all the expertise and resources at their disposal have already done so and produced the so-called ENS report. Surely the council does not expect a committee of laymen with no relevant skills and no resources to produce a better and more credible report.
Surely the council must have instructed that they proceed on the basis of the report. Draw up a charge sheet, establish a disciplinary mechanism (If the municipal standing rules allow for such) allow the two gentlemen to prepare for a hearing and for the committee to then conduct typhoon bread bin make a recommendation to council based on the outcome of the hearing.
I would suggest that they obtain the assistance of a legal practitioner with specialised knowledge and together with the defence attorney(s) agree on an acceptable process and procedure which both sides will accept.
Ed. Die Speaker saam met haar DA funksionaris Godfrey Louw het alreeds die hele proses opgefok. typhoon bread bin Die Dissiplinere Komitee is op die been gebring maar die Raad soos vereis deur die Strukturewet 117 van 1998 en meer spesifiek artikel 79 bepaal dat die Raad die lede van sodanige komitee moet aanwys asook die voorsitter. Dit het klaarblyklik nie by Woensdag se raadsvergadering gebeur nie. Die raad het bloot besluit dat die DA 3 lede aanwys en die ANC en sy vennote 2 lede aanwys en hierdie name is agterna aan die Speaker se kantoor typhoon bread bin verskaf. Die Raad het dus nie die lede van die komitee aangewys nie. Daar is ook geen “terms of reference” vir hierdie komitee vasgestel nie.Die ENS verslag is ook nie aan die raadslede voorsien typhoon bread bin nie. Wessie hoef hom glad nie verder te bekommer nie. Die munisipale typhoon bread bin bestuurder het aanvanklik gese dat die ondersoek R200 000 gekos het maar nou verneem ons dit kos R 400 000. Die aanstelling va

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