Thursday, May 28, 2015

Dear visitors, social science rubbermaid dish pan exhibition - History of Central rubbermaid dish p

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Central Slovakian museum Banská Bystrica * Central - Slovakian rubbermaid dish pan Museum in Banska Bystrica
Dear visitors, social science rubbermaid dish pan exhibition - History of Central rubbermaid dish pan Slovakia rubbermaid dish pan remains closed due to reconstruction exposure rooms. Despite the temporary closure of the exhibition is the exhibition and offer workshops for schools and the public in Thurzo's rubbermaid dish pan House still available during the opening hours! Thank you in advance for your understanding and look forward to your visit to cultural and social events rubbermaid dish pan and exhibition projects that for you in the Central can continue to prepare. Your Central Slovak Museum
Natural History Exhibition - Tihanyi mansion in Radvan: 1st May - 30th September (summer season): Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Sun: 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00 1 October to 30 April: rubbermaid dish pan Mon-Fri 8:00 - 16:00, Sun 9:00 to 11:30, 12:30 to 16:00
Basic admission - Exhibition: 1 Youth, retired - exhibition: 0.50
The museum was founded townspeople in 1889. Continuous is the oldest cultural institution in the city. The first museum was opened in 1909. The current exhibition is historical from 1958 located on the square of SNP in the so-called 4. Thurzo house exhibition Nature and central Slovakia from 1989 located in Tihanyi mansion in the local area Radvaň.
Social studies exhibition stood the Central Museum in Banska Bystrica is located in one of the most beautiful and most characteristic rubbermaid dish pan houses of the historical center on the SNP Square. Originally known as the Gothic houses Mittelhaus acquired at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries Thurzovci, rubbermaid dish pan an important family business, which together with the Augsburg Fugger bankers created Thurzo-Fugger copper company. The manufacturing and trading enterprise supplying the Banská Bystrica copper markets across Europe. House got its present form in the rebuilding II. half of the 16th century, when the facade features many elements inspired by Italian renaissance (eg. graffito on the facade). Whereas the most significant owner was a mining entrepreneur John Earl Kremnica Comoro Thurzo of Betlanovce, the house now bears his name. Following its reconstruction of damaged teeth and time of war events there were in 1958, disclosure of Social studies rubbermaid dish pan exhibition focuses on the historical transformation of the Banská Bystrica region from the earliest times prehistoric times through the Middle Ages, modern times to the early 20th century.
More than 10 years issuing single- pocket calendars and originally entitled "From the collections of the Museum" - all calendars since 1995 can be viewed by clicking on the image or the name of a series of calendar.
Folk dance is an institution with a unique mission, which was established in the center of the living folklore of the region, in Banska Bystrica. The establishment of Banská Bystrica Region at the beginning of 2007 is in the current circumstances rather unique manifestation of national awareness and respect for their own traditions. rubbermaid dish pan Folk dance is a unique individual workplace Central Museum. rubbermaid dish pan
The total number of 12 rooms Museum offers the public a wealth of archaeological exhibits, medieval arms, coins and copies of historical documents. Separate interest include Gothic art and mining issues, guilds, crafts and manufactory. A large part of the second floor occupied by examination of contemporary rubbermaid dish pan bourgeois furniture and ethnographic material. Special attention deserves so. Green Hall with well-preserved fresco paintings, part of II. the 15th century, wooden beamed ceilings of the late 15th century and Renaissance lunette vault with stucco. Restored "Green Room" will be available April 18, 2007. The premises on the ground floor of the museum throughout the year various exhibitions exchange. Visiting the exposition it can be used as a supplement to the classical educational process history, civics, ethics, aesthetics or art lessons not only basic but also in secondary schools. University students and dedicated professionals is ready to specific interpretation of museum professionals.
Permanent exposition "Central Slovakia from prehistoric times to the 20th century" - with a total of 12 rooms predstav

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